Wednesday, March 4, 2009


recently... i watched William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.... its a wonderful movie... its staring by leonardo dicaprio... its impressive!! i dunno whether it would like the original story, but its also a wonderful movie!! how they meet and how they fall in love.. wow... but but but... it doesn't make me fall like twilight... at least i wont read the willian shakesspeare thing.. ha! and i have some latest twilight's news here.... breaking dawn is a confirmed for a movie, yeah! wat a good news... at least for me.. its wat i hoping and begging for when i reading the book..
eclipse the 3rd book for chinese version is out in taiwan.. just a couple of weeks i think u can find it in mph.. and midnight sun a coming out soon very soon... i think.. they say the writer finished d lor.. tat all . . . . . (haih... when i read back wat i wroten i also dunno wat im taking about.. keep talking the rubbish... but BLOG ma.. its sum thing like tat wan lo..... //

come back to the real life...
tis month i go to clubbing for twice... and there r sum feeling... happiness enjoy regret blur boring (high high d).... quite enjoy when there r enough alcohol in my stomoch but quite boring when u r not in the rite song or music...
haih... the person who go with me asked me y i started going clubbing d... its bcoz.. tis year im 19 d... if now dont to play like crazy, wanna wait when le.. is it? and everyone need sum memory like tis for their life wan rite...

tats all...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


bear and the LV

the dress i made

during chinese new year and eve's birthday

chinese new year eve-dinner

funny photo with the K Ler Fir auntie

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Why was the strawberry sad? Cause her mother was in a jam!

Why was strawberry become your enemy? Cause it stuck on your nose!!!


Monday, January 12, 2009


in process


some kind of drawing!! drawing in free hand really hard!!
bon jour ma dame, vous allez bien?
je mappelle kayi.
=D =D

Thursday, January 8, 2009


and im learning sewing too!! a skirt in process!! show u when im done!!

my drawing...... erm... sort of my design actually... how was it?

Monday, December 22, 2008


Tonight the sky was utterly black. Perhaps there was no moon tonight­ a lunar
eclipse, a new moon.
from- new moon

Sunday, December 7, 2008


finally.... i watch twilight today... erm.... 覺得不過不失啦。可能係第一部關係﹐故事橋斷十分平鋪直序。女主角Bella怎樣遇上男主角Edward﹐Bella 怎樣知道Edward是彊屍﹐Edward和他的家族是甚麼類型的彊屍﹐還有大量情情愛愛片段。喜歡的是(對我而言)全是新面孔﹐作者對彊屍不能見陽光有 新的解釋﹐有一些類似武俠片飛來飛去的畫面.男主角Robert Pattinson好受歡迎﹐我在戲院時每當Edward出場實有不同少女尖叫。
Robert Pattinson其實適合做人狼那一幫﹐因他體毛十分旺盛。(笑) 呀... 還有個無關重要好笑的穿崩位﹕話說Bella講過Edward的眼珠沒有帶隱形眼鏡也會變色﹐但之後一個近鏡zoom埋落Edward隻眼度﹐個 contact邊十分明顯。(OH!!!!)

話說James這個反派彊屍想吸Bella的血﹐Edward和家人當然極力保護Bella啦。但 James是有一個十分勁勁勁勁勁勁勁勁勁勁勁勁勁勁勁勁的追蹤能力﹐所以搞到Edward那幫人用盡心機去逃亡。雖然有提及過James的女友也很勁揪 ﹐不過原來追蹤能力強不代表打得。James兩野已被Edward KO 左。其實Edward那邊有七隻彊屍﹐七個對兩個已經勝一籌﹐使乜搞到如臨大敵﹖我知睇戲唔好拗﹐但呢一點我始終覺得十分牽強。